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Ric, 63
عمان, الاردن
نشط منذ منذ زمن طويل


اريد التعرف على: انثى الأعمار 40 - 54 عاما بمنطقة الاردن, الاردن
هدف التعارف: صداقة, حب, زواج, لقاء

عن نفسي

I'm an outgoing person who loves being around others and making them laugh. I love the outdoors (except when it feels like Siberia outside!). I like bowling, dancing, shooting pool even though I don't do any of them particularly well. I have a lot of fun trying! I like going to the gym and working out. I like to keep busy and active. I never met a coffee bean I didn't like. My favorite food is potatoes. Did I mention that I love to laugh? I laugh hysterically every time I watch Will & Grace. Jack and Karen crack me up. I love my family and my son with all my heart and soul. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for them or for anyone I love. I wear my heart on my sleeve, and even though it gets me burned from time to time, I wouldn't want to be any other way. I love romance. What boy do ght? I love life! All I'm missing is someone to share it with. Could that be you?

المواعدة بلغات أخرى

لغات:  عربي
أبحث عن المواعدة بلغات أخرى:  عربي

تفاصيل شخصية

الحالة الاجتماعية: مطلق
الأصل: مسيحي
التعليم: التعليم العالي
الوضع الاقتصادي: منظم

المظهر الخارجي

بنية الجسم: عادي


عادات التدخين: ولا مرة
عادات الشرب: ابدا

كثيرًا ما تم البحث أيضًا عن:

عنوان بطاقتي:
رقم المستخدم: 1436536
صور من 0
Ric, 63
عمان, الاردن
البحث عن امرأة سنوات 40-54

I'm an outgoing person who loves being around others and making them laugh. I love the outdoors (except when it feels like Siberia outside!). I like...
نشط منذ منذ زمن طويل