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Monam, 37
عمان, الاردن
نشط منذ منذ زمن طويل


اريد التعرف على: انثى الأعمار 18 - 29 عاما بمنطقة الاردن, الاردن
هدف التعارف: صداقة, حب, زواج, لقاء

عن نفسي

My name is Monam Study at the University of the moment, but soon I'm going to work evening designer website
I love life and to ensure in the evening, smoke and drink coffee, sometimes I do not drink much alcohol and drugs.
My hobbies of cars, especially the American ones, and mobile phones and laptop computers, cooking and barbecue, tourism, real estate and swim and sit by myself to think I love listening to songs Arabic, English and Hebrew and other musics
I love watching movies of all kinds of reading stories, novels, write poetry and thoughts, drawing and painting I love being with my friends always especially in the evening we meet always smoke the water pipe g
When we meet you'll know a lot more about me I hope to be the best among all.
My ideal person:
I hope to get a girl beautiful respects the relationship between her and me to be like to sit with me and not to have an inhibitor that ended our marriage and a happy family I hope that the girl seen her to be understand me and understand her , and be Romnas and affectionate and would be attractive and emotional.
My interests:
I expect that I had written about all my interests.

المواعدة بلغات أخرى

لغات:  عربي
أبحث عن المواعدة بلغات أخرى:  عربي

تفاصيل شخصية

الحالة الاجتماعية: اعزب
الأصل: مسلم
التعليم: ثانوية
الوضع الاقتصادي: تحت المتوسط

المظهر الخارجي

بنية الجسم: جميل


عادات التدخين: بعض المرات
عادات الشرب: ابدا

عنوان بطاقتي:
رقم المستخدم: 1279661
صور من 0
Monam, 37
عمان, الاردن
البحث عن امرأة سنوات 18-29

My name is Monam Study at the University of the moment, but soon I'm going to work evening designer website I love life and to ensure in the evening,...
نشط منذ منذ زمن طويل